Standing in the hot sun outside the tall, stone building. Jackson Chronicles our one and only paper - well besides the Maxwell Depth, our high school online gossip paper. It always has the best stories though, truth or lies. I shallow and walk up the seven steps onto the wide porch, leading into the huge glass door. The metal door handle is cool from being in the shade most of the day. As soon as I open these doors I already know the noise will overwhelm me. I have been here four times before, always looking for answers, always hoping for more. Maybe now since I'm older I'll get more.
It's always magical inside though. Knowing this is where the news gets written, reviewed, and sent out for our read. Our judgment. Walking in the ceilings are high and the lights are bright. The keys are ticking with fingers scattering across the boards, there's laughter, and hushed whispers while co-workers converse, and lean over one another's shoulders. I sure this career has it's perks, but I only see the dark side that brings others unfortunate shame.
"Chase Forbes?" I lean over the first desk I come across. The pretty brunette with dark eyes behind her small glasses didn't even look at me as she points to the back of the room. "Is that supposed to mean upstairs or an office in the back?" I know my question came out with some bitch tones, but I didn't like being ignored. She stops typing and looks at me.
"Oh wow, you're Bethany Hurley? Jefferson Hurley's granddaughter. This is such a honor!" Her voice was high and squeaky. I don't like it.
"Yes, good job. Glad to know the news is right about something." I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "Chase?" I direct my point, hoping she gets on with it.
"Of course, yeah. He's upstairs now. Second office on the left. I can show you-"
"No that's okay I think I know my left from my right." I walk down the middle of the row of desks. I shrug my shoulders to my self. Maybe I shouldn't have been so ha on her, I'm sure she didn't have anything to do with the news or what was written online. Right now though this whole place could burn and I wouldn't care. I move up the winding staircase, knowing I have a battle on my hands. At the top everything is a lot quieter. It is actual scarier, like thinking goes into the lies these jackasses write. Glass walls for offices, always on display. I shake my head and walk in as Chase smiles brightly at me.
"I should have known I would get a pleasant surprise from you today." His deep voice fills the office and probably half the hallway outside his open door. He stands and walks to me.
"Yes, I wonder how you knew." I throw my hand up against his force, touching his muscles under his thin blue tee. Chase went to my high school just two years ago. He still is as gorgeous as he was as a senior. His dad got him a job here, and he found some evidence in an old cold case file about a 15-year old who was murdered 10 years ago. Lead the police to make an arrest, nothing stuck but the murderer, Kyle Black, ended up dead five days after his release. Big surprise. Either way I'm guessing that's how he moved up so quickly without a degree of any sorts, that and his good looks and southern charm probably doesn't ever hurt his case.
"Okay, okay," he backs away, smiling his sweet smile with dimples deep in his soft smooth cheeks. His skin was darkened with a Georgia tan, teeth so white they shine, his blonde hair pushed neatly back, and his sparkling green eyes hiding all the secrets that haven't been twisted with a lie just yet.
"Let's hear what excuse you want to fed me today?" I cross my hands, not sure about sitting in one of the two black leather chairs sitting in front of his desk. Who would visit this office?
"Oh came with a fire did we?" He doesn't walk to sit down either, instead he leans against his short book shelf, full of awards on top. So cocky. I suddenly wonder what Jake would think of me being here. Chase never meant anything to me, but for a few months freshman year we tried to make something work. I just couldn't deal with all his parties and the thought of college girls soon taking him away from me. I was too imaginative and he was too carefree.
"I always come with fire, but I can save us both some time, as we know yours is full of dollar signs and lies." I came here for business no need in sidelining, Chase was and is someone I would never want to get to know.
"Ouch Bethany Hurley, who are you?"
"I'm bitter, and I want answers. Why does this stupid news always dig up news that died years ago? Proof of words never leading to a damn thing? All these games you and this paper are playing have taken it's toll one too many times don't you think?" I sternly say my words, making sure to lock inside the tears. My irritation wins, or I will make sure it wins over the ill way ward I have with my family being taken through the mud, yet again.
"I don't know where you get off coming to my place of work and accusing, but as you know we are the newspaper. And I am yet but one person of about 120?" His smile drops and his eyebrow raises. He hasn't dealt with me in a while, it's probably been a year since we ran into each other at the coffee shop inside town.
"Well as I recall Mr. Chase pulls weight throughout this paper. I'm surprised you're hiding this." I drop my hands, knowing I'm wasting my time. I think of a different angle. "Okay look I'm not here to point blame."
"I think you did, and you have."
"Right," I take a deep breath. "Well if you took a moment and placed yourself inside my shoes you could see my side. I see that's asking too much. The point I came here to make is why?"
"Why?" His face crinkles into confusion.
"Yes, why does my family continue to be linked around these murders?" The room breathes for a few seconds as he wipes his face with his hands.
"I thought you were more than just a pretty face Bethany." His matter of fact tone pisses me off.
"What?" I step back as he pushes hisself off the shelf.
"Sometimes you need to think about looking from others' shoes." His eyebrow raises again and I'm curious as to what he means. "It'll all come full circle."
"Your words are a game, just like when you say them to girls." I turn on my heels and walk down the hallway toward the staircase. I feel as if I need several showers. I hate discussing my family and our problems and when I chat with him I feel like I'm naked with all my shame hanging out. Look from someone else's point of view...what could he mean? I consider myself an open person, I don't take one idea and run with them...well all the time. I guess I could be one sighted to my family, but that's obvious we have nothing to do with these murders. If anything one, if we did have something to do with them, I could see it for one. I mean hell I would murder someone for my family, especially my little brother. And my grandfather loved Cameron. I hurry down the stairs, through all the noise once more until I'm free outside. The only thing shining down on me is the sun's rays. I need someone to talk to, anyone. I have never felt so alone in this world. I continue down more stairs waiting to enter hell. I run to my jeep and shut myself inside. Wondering if I could trust Jake with my secrets, my thoughts? As the tears escape and hurry down my cheeks, I crank my engine and turn toward a place I could always be safe. A place I spent my childhood. Cameron's grave.
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